15 High Ranking Russians want a Coup. The Biden Administration Refused
A meeting was asked for they never got a reply
The White House, the CIA, the State Department, and the Justice Department were all contacted multiple times about a meeting where high-ranking Russians wanted to get the support of the Biden administration about a coup that would have removed Putin and ended the war in Ukraine. Now two of these men are dead, but the Russians still tried and never got a reply.
So what is going on inside the Biden administration? With as low as Joe Biden’s poll numbers and the fact that Democrats will lose the House and Senate in November, you would think they would want a way to make Biden look like a hero by ending the war in Ukraine, changing the Russian government. Still, they seem happy that 1000s are dying, and a tactical nuke might be used in the next few weeks, so why?
Now there are three possible reasons; each one is more dastardly than the next if any of these turn out to be accurate, we must not only change how our news reports on Democrats, but we must have an honest special counsel that will not take years but take action and lock people up forever.
Reason one
Biden is now so diminished in the eyes of Americans that his handlers want him gone. If they allowed the Russians to work with him on a coup, he might run again, and they can’t have that. They need Republicans to win in November, so they have a scapegoat for all the problems they caused and the coming recession.
Reason two
Defense contractors have always controlled government spending; President Eisenhower warned us in the 1950s that they were getting powerful and had to be restrained. Still, since 9-11, they have grown to become the one industry that never seems to struggle. If this is true, the $3.8B we have spent and the $85B in weapons left in Afghanistan have made them wealthier.
Reason three
Hunter Biden and the Big Guy, now we know Hunter was paid $3.5M from the former wife of the mayor of Moscow and Billions from China. According to his laptop, ten percent was held for his dad, the Big Guy; Hunter also worked for an oil company in Ukraine which was under investigation until his dad, now our President, got the prosecutor fired. There is a ton more dirt, but these alone make you ask, has Joe been bought off? If this is true, it means that our government, all four agencies listed that were contacted, are corrupt; if they are, we are facing a problem we might not survive. Could our government, every facet of it, be so evil that it sits back to watch the killing of 1000’s provides weapons to kill more, and never works to find peace? If this is the real reason why 15 high-level Russians were never replied to, we have lost our values and country.
So how can we help create peace in Ukraine and make lasting peace and friendship with Russia? The only power we have is our voices; we contact every member of the House and Senate, every news organization and ask them why they won’t work to oust Putin, create peace in Ukraine and make the world safer. This is our job to speak up and end our government’s inaction and change things.